In Naked Truth, Dr. Jean D. Francis draws upon her recollection of actual events in her 25 years of federal service and beyond. She is ready to share her side of the story in this explosive, riveting, life-changing and devastating account that evokes raw emotions as you follow her 25-year journey through her federal government experiences. Here, for the first time, Dr. Francis describes the early years of her courtship and marriage to her husband, Lionel, which led to her transition to her federal career as she struggles to balance work and family with her husband’s fast-moving military career. Narrating with candor, good humor, and the naked-truth, she provides vivid behind-the-scenes meticulously reports and alarming stories of the highs and lows of her career, and every major player that were game changers in her jaw-dropping story. Finally, the Naked Truth, takes us through an alarmingly riveting true story of one woman’s experiences with discrimination, racism, and unlawful retaliation from the entity of government that is meant to watch over and protect the people–detailing widespread corruption, lies, and mismanagement. If you are looking for a book that describes how power structures are maintained in organizations, despite inefficiencies and waste of financial resources, then this insightful book is all you need, which will keep you on the edge of your seat. In telling her story with truthfulness and boldness, she challenges others to be courageous in telling their truth, their naked truth.


As a leader, I am intentional about making a difference in organizations at all levels. Now more than ever, organizations are in need of ethical leaders at the helm. Particularly, organizations are in need of leaders who authentically embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion to build strong organizational culture. While it is incumbent upon an organization to focus on this component, a single department or position is not enough to cultivate an authentic culture of diversity, equity and inclusion. We are all in this together, and together we can all do our part to ensure we never lose sight of entrenching these values in the fabric of the organizational culture and beyond. I have spent more than 25 years as a part of a rewarding but challenging federal profession. In those long, tiring years, I have experienced it all as a woman–on one hand self-actualization for many years, and towards the end, discrimination, racism, ignorance, and injustice. I know of many young people or even professionals in the middle of their careers who are looking to take a leap of faith to a federal career path and for a brighter future. But I’ve learned through experience that all that glitters, in that regard, isn’t gold. Hence, from my experiences, I am committed to making a difference in the area of diversity, equity, and inclusion for the next generation and beyond. In my book Naked Truth, I share my best kept secrets for combating seven years of systemic racism and retaliation in my federal government career. My hope is that I inspire my readers by telling my story and that you can’t put it down once you pick it up! 

Book Reviewers Quotes:

Biography of Jean D. Francis

Jean D. Francis, Ph.D., served as financial and budget management expert with top-tier government agencies to include: the Department of Defense (DOD) Pentagon, Department of Interior (DOI), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Department of Labor (DOL), managing and executing budgets ranging from $581 million to $7 Billion, annually, serving the United States Government from 1989-2014. Dr. Francis is a graduate of University of Maryland, and Capella University. She is enthusiastic about teaching and mentoring others on becoming the best version of themselves. She is the Founder and CEO of JELI Management Company, LLC, and currently serves as Adjunct Professor at the American Public University Systems (APUS). Dr. Francis is the behind-the-scenes go-to marketing advisor and educator for top business professionals, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders. She enjoys traveling, cooking, decorating, and spending time with her family.  Dr. Jean D. Francis is a servant leader, educator, entrepreneur, and author. She is intentional about making a difference in the lives of those she meets. She does her best work in an environment where the people around her is unconventional, creative, thick-skinned, tough, and efficient and organized. She thrives in a culture that fosters a sense of tradition and is innovative. Dr. Francis is also intentional about motivating and inspiring others to become the best version of themselves!

My Blog

Racism and discrimination have plagued our society for a long, long time. However, with the advent of digital news and social media, …

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Why I Wrote this Book

There is not a dearth of moments when I have asked myself this question – why did I author this book? Why …

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