How to beat procrastination and meet deadlines

With the advent of technology, the human race has become lazier and lazier. Procrastination is the byproduct of such laziness, where one pushes urgent and unimportant tasks to a later time or date. It is a common challenge that people face in modern times. However, following small baby steps, you can eradicate this menace from your personal and private life.

Break Down Into Smaller Tasks

One major reason people procrastinate is the magnitude of the task, like reaching the top of a mountain. However, if you set smaller, manageable targets, the overall task will be easier to manage. An effective daily to-do checklist can also go a long way in organizing your day and tasks, big or small.

Establish Achievable Objectives and Timeframes

Rather than wishing for a helicopter to take you to the top of a building, break the task into smaller achievable tasks like walking to the elevator and pressing the top floor button. It will help one stay motivated and focused on the task at hand. However, be sure to give yourself time to finish the task but not a long deadline that procrastination creeps in again.

Eliminate clutter and Distractions.

Having a cluttered desk, room, or desktop makes you push all tasks further. Even if you de-clutter first, you lose steam and push the task again. Therefore, being organized always is a prerequisite for being highly productive. It is also important to create a conducive environment free from distractions. This can be a quiet place where you can work without interruption.

Therefore, hitting procrastination on the head is not difficult if you just break every task into smaller tasks, set realistic goals, and eliminate clutter/distraction from your workspace(s). Remember to stay positive and focused and celebrate your progress along the way.

By Jean D. Francis, Ph.D.,

Author, Naked Truth

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